Wijnreder Media EC football game


From June 14 until July 14 twenty-four countries are competing in Germany for the Euro Cup title. Do you want to experience all the matches with a lot of extra excitement? Then join the Wijnreder Media EC football game and find out who knows the most about football. Playing this game is free of charge.

How can you participate?

You can participate individually or in a team. If you want to participate you have to create an user account. You will receive a confirmation email. You can log in and participate after clicking on the confirmation link in this email. Signing up is possible until the deadline on Friday June 14, 2024 at 9 PM CET. By signing up you agree with the rules of the game and the terms of use.

Newest users

11/05 Wiegmaniac
11/05 SNDR1988
10/05 Piefkepoep
10/05 Brobbeast0294
10/05 Chris Cresens

Newest leagues

10/05 Japers League
09/05 Familie Nauta
09/05 Villa Amuda
09/05 FMC EK
08/05 CSP EK 2024

Who is online? (0)

12/05 Lanus
11/05 Roel8
11/05 Piefkepoep
11/05 Chris Cresens
11/05 Wiegmaniac